If you know Nathan at all, you know that he absolutely loves trains. He has a train table, of course and what seems like every Thomas train known to mankind. Nathan is such a great kid- no sign of the terrible two's, never asks for much and is great with sharing his toys. But when it comes to trains all bets are off! He has a list as long as his arm of all the trains he would like to have and why he wants each one. So when we get to the book store, his train-dar goes off and he immediately heads to the Thomas stuff. Wouldn't you know they have trains there that aren't sold at Toys R Us (we already have most of those). So he finds "Hank" who has a cow catcher (? not sure where this one came from) on the front and starts in on all the reasons he needs to add Hank to his collection. He's not whining, not begging, but telling me matter-of-factly why he needs this train. Meanwhile the lady standing next to us is cracking up and when I looked over at her she told me that he will most definitely be elected President someday. It cracked me up and I thought about how far he has come in the last seven months. And then I bought Hank.

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