Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow much fun!!

Nathan's favorite place has always been outside and when there is snow on the ground you can't keep the kid in the house! We spent a good part of last weekend playing in the snow and he had a blast. As you can see, he found a wet spot in the snow that quickly turned into a giant mud puddle. Even funnier though was the next day when he ran right to that puddle and said "one, two, three, IN!" and took off running... well, by that time the mud had turned to ice and his feet flew up and he landed flat on his back. He lay there for a second and then said "ICE!" I have no idea where he learned that word, but he sure knew what had happened!

Nathan continues to do so well. He has been singing "EIEIO" and "tin-a tin-a li star" as well as filling in words to other songs. He cracks me up with some of the things he comes up with though, like the other night as Logan was laying on his belly, Nathan got on top of him and said "ride baby, ride baby!" I had to tell him that I loved his words, but he probably shouldn't ride baby :)

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers- it has really been amazing to witness the improvement that he has made in just a little over three months.

1 comment:

  1. Been watching your blog for a little while. My son is still BARELY talking at 30 months and he has been with first steps since he was 18 months old. They haven't officially diagnosed apraxia, but that's what we're suspecting. We're hoping they change his therapy layout soon bc this is just not working. Anyway, I love hearing about all the progress Nathan's been making and it gives me hope for Richie.
