Sunday, December 13, 2009

So many words, so few updates

All I can say is "wow". And now, Nathan can say so much more than just wow! The good thing about my blog laziness is that when I do finally update, I have so many awesome things to report :)

Nathan has so many new words, we haven't really been able to keep track of them. He will pretty much attempt almost any simple word we give him now. As long as it starts with one of the letters he can produce, he will make an effort. It may or may not sound like the word he is trying to say, and he will almost always leave off the last consonant, but the fact that he is attempting words is amazing. And even more amazing is that he is using some spontaneous speech now. He has said "ha" when the hat fell off of his toy, he has pointed to a ball and said "ba", and tonight when I asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner, he said "a-bo" (apple)! You better believe I gave him an apple- I would have given him 100 apples for that response!

Therapy has been going great, and he will be starting in Indy next week. For now, he will be going every other week for speech and OT. He'll also be doing speech and OT at least once a week in Terre Haute, he'll continue DT with First Steps once a week and beginning in January, he will be doing speech twice a week at Indiana State. We'll keep this up as long as he is progressing and continuing to have fun. If it gets to be too much, we'll definitely cut back.

So that's our last two weeks in a nutshell. Grumpy pants Logan has decided to start waking every hour through the night again so when the evening chores are finished, I've been heading to bed rather than getting on the computer. However, Nathan just woke up with a nosebleed, so I was headed to the laundry room to clean all the bloody sheets and the three outfits that Logan pooped on today and thought I would jump on here real quick. Hope all is well with everyone!

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