Monday, December 28, 2009

Quick Update

Been up with the little guy and trying to decide whether I should make the trip to Indy tomorrow in the snow... anyway thought I would give a quick update before he wakes up again. We had such a wonderful Christmas!! Nathan is continuing to improve each day. He can easily say mama, dada, hi, bye bye, hat, help me, and there are so many other words that he can say with just a little more work. On Christmas, we were having a birthday party for Jesus and I let him have a little piece of chocolate cake (probably only his second time to taste chocolate). He inhaled it and asked for "more mama"! This was the first time he had used this phrase and it was totally unprompted. I guess I now know what motivates him to speak :)

Anyway, his therapists are all so happy with his progress. The more he is verbalizing however, the more apparent it is that he is definitely apraxic. For instance, "baby" may come out as "heho" or something totally off the wall. He also still leaves a lot of consonants off the end of words, but is doing better. I just feel so bad that the poor kid has to work so hard at saying the most simple things. He is such a sweet boy and of course I hate that he has to deal with this. But I just continue to be thankful that he is healthy and happy- I know it could be so much worse.

Back to sleep for me...I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

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