Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! We had such a blessed 2009, praying that 2010 will be just as wonderful! Nathan's speech is continuing to improve daily. He is beginning to use a lot more spontaneous speech more two word phrases. The bad news to report is the rehab center where he was receiving therapy is closing next week, so we will be losing our awesome SLP. We're still not sure what we are going to do- he has a session on Tuesday so we'll discuss our options then.

With all the updates I've made on Nathan's speech, I've been somewhat overlooking the sensory issues. Nathan has always had problems getting his teeth brushed, hair cut or washed, using blankets, etc. The newest issue this winter was wearing gloves- he would try to put them on but then scream and cry. He really wanted to wear them but he just couldn't stand it. So after a ton of work from my mom, I'm happy to report that Nathan was able to wear his gloves and play out in the snow this past week! You can see from the picture that he loved it! Anyway, we're really trying to focus on the SPD, especially now that we're seeing so much improvement in his speech.

Time for bed, Happy 2010 everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Alison, it is so great to hear of Nathan's accomplishments. You know he is one of my favorite kids and like you I hate that he has to work so hard, but know that someday you will all look back and know it was all worth it. Love ya a lot. Aunt Carol
