Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!!

So I got a report from therapy today that Nathan was counting. I wasn't sure I believed it, so I put five trains in front of him and told him to count them. Sure enough, he said, "one, two, three, four, five!" Of course it wasn't that clear, but how cool is that?!! And his random new word for the day? Notebook. Yep, Bill was talking about updating our notebook (laptop) and Nathan repeated it like he's been saying that word forever.

Okay, here's another funny story, but I have to rat my mom out :) Bill, Nathan and I were eating dinner this weekend and after we finished he started saying "eye, eye". I asked if something was wrong with his eye and he shook his head and kept repeating it. I got him down from the table and he ran to his snack drawer and looked around saying "eye, eye". At this point I'm a little concerned, because although he hasn't been speaking for long, I can almost always figure out what is wrong. Bill finally broke down and told me that my mom had given Nathan an M&M the day before and for some unknown reason Nathan thought it looked like an eye. Hmmmm.... busted mom! Nathan can now officially rat out his mamaw. No more sneaking treats to that boy!

As you can tell, he is still making tremendous progress. He has become quite the bossy little thing (in a good way!) now that he can say "no" and "me, me, me!". It has made him so much more independent and he is so happy and proud of himself. He uses words like up, down, on, off, and move while playing and the other day told my dad "down, read!"

Today was also his last day of therapy at the clinic in Terre Haute (they are closing) and he received his discharge paperwork. At the time of his evaluation two months ago, he had no real words and was speaking at an 11 month old level (which I think was generous). He now has around 50 words he says pretty clearly and another 25-30 approximations. We have a team meeting with First Steps next week and I will be asking to add speech now that his therapist is on their matrix. Please pray that they will approve this, as it would be huge for us both financially and because Nathan and Tracey have worked so well together.

Sorry for the long post, time to get to work now. I'm going to try to squeeze a couple of hours in before Cranky Pants wakes up.

1 comment:

  1. (It's Jana)-I'll be praying that FS approves the speech. We always had really good luck with them making things work for us and making the "rules" fit our situation, so I bet you will too. Fingers crossed!! The progress he's making is amazing!
