Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Longest Sentence Ever!

Yes, I know. Two posts in a week, what's up with that?? Anyway, we had such a wonderful Fourth of July weekend and I just wanted to share some highlights!

First, I took the boys to the Frontier Day parade downtown. Nathan had a blast and I was even able to let him out of the stroller to pick up candy (although he couldn't have any with his diet). We then walked to the Farmer's Market and back to the Children's Museum. We've been doing that every Saturday this summer and I've noticed such a difference already in his playing/sharing skills. That night, we did fireworks at our house. With Nathan's sensory issues, we weren't sure how he would do, so we bought REALLY small fountain-type fireworks. He loved it! He was so excited and kept squealing and screaming "Hallelujah!" (I think my mom taught him that one, lol!) Logan cried every time we set one off, so he and Bill went inside to watch from the living room window. Apparently Nathan decided that was the cool place to be because he looked up at them and said, "Watch fireworks inside" and proceded to go inside and close the garage door on me, my mom and dad and all of our chairs and fireworks! So we scrambled to get everything out of the way and had quite a laugh over that one.

Not much later, Bill had put Logan to sleep and we broke out the glow-in-the-dark necklaces. I was trying to clean things up and Nathan came to me laughing and said, "Nathan put necklace on Logan's head and wake Logan up!" I was so excited by how many words he had strung together, even if I was less than excited about him waking up his brother :)

Sunday evening I took Nathan to the park and decided to give the downtown fireworks a shot. I was nervous they would be too much for him, but we watched from City Hall and he loved it! He did get bored, which was fine as we left before they were over and beat the traffic.

So we had a great holiday weekend and hope you did as well. Lastly, I just wanted to say again how thankful we are for the progress Nathan has made. It was such a short time ago that we didn't know if we would ever hear him speak and I hope to never take anything he says for granted. After hanging out with a friend this weekend who has a non-verbal child it just reminds me to continually thank the Lord for our sweet baby's voice.

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