Sunday, November 22, 2009

He called me mama!

One of the things all parents look forward to is their child saying mama and dada. Although Nathan would babble "amamama" occasionally (it always started with an a) in his two years he has never directed any of his babbling at me. This morning as we were getting up and dressed Nathan came down the hall and said "Mama!". At first I thought it was an accident or I was hearing things. I asked him to repeat it and he said "Mama!". Let me tell you, that was one of the best things I have ever heard! He continued to say it all day and at one point even went to Bill and asked "Mama?" and shrugged his shoulders because he didn't know where I was.

I am continually amazed at the progress he has made in the last couple of weeks. I have been doing a lot of research on essential fatty acids and myelination and I am keeping Nathan greased up with fish oil :). It is all so interesting to me since it's a lot of what I studied in school (behavioral neuroscience). I guess that is the nerd in me, but I really feel like it is helping Nathan.

I do have to admit though, as excited as we all have been with his progress, there are times when I am brought back to Earth and remember that Nathan has a serious problem. Like the many times we go to Toys R Us and of course Nathan heads straight for the train table. There are usually other kids his age talking and laughing, and Nathan is pointing and saying "eh eh eh!". The other parents look at me, wondering what is wrong with my child. Or this morning, when we took Nathan for his two year pictures and the photographer asked his name and he just stared at her. She asked a couple more times, and I had to explain that he isn't talking yet. I really try not to let these things get me down, and instead focus on the positive. And today, I am positive that there is nothing better than being Nathan's mama.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thrilled for you. I'm sure that hearing "mama" was the sweetest sound you have ever heard. Congratulations to Nathan and his accomplishments! I can't believe how much progress he has made in such a short time.
