Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ooh and Aah

First off, sorry for the lack of updates. You'll have to forgive me- I knew I would be terrible at keeping this blog updated! Secondly, we now have a two year old!! Nathan turned two on Sunday and had a wonderful birthday party surrounded by family, friends and of course Thomas the Train.

Just as exciting, however is the improvement we have noticed in Nathan over the past few days. While watching the Ooh and Aah monkeys on the Disney channel, my dad asked him if he could say "ooh" which he could and he did the same with "aah". Not only that, but when I picked him up and asked him who his monkey friends were he said "ooh...aah" without being prompted! I know this doesn't seem like much for a two year old, but it is huge for Nathan. Today my mom busted out the flash cards and he imitated several different sounds for her. And to top it off we went to Toys R Us (which he gets so excited about I think he probably pees himself when he gets out of the car and sees where we are!) and he pointed up at the sign and made the t, o and s sounds. He's been on the Pro-EFA for almost two weeks now, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not, but it is awesome to hear him make so many sounds. And he is so proud of himself too- sometimes he'll even clap for himself! Too cute :)

He has another therapy session tomorrow, so I'll really try to update then.

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