Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wow, where do I start?

Why did I start this blog? Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate to write. Just ask my co-workers. I'm an accountant... I do numbers not words. So I guess I am doing this for myself so that I can have a record of our journey. I am doing this for Nathan so he can someday understand how hard he worked for his accomplishments and see how far he has come. And I'm doing this for anyone who, for whatever reason wants to follow my ramblings and share in Nathan's successes. So, with that said I guess I should start from the very beginning.

I found out that I was pregnant with Nathan in February 2007. My husband and I were ecstatic. The pregnancy was perfectly normal, and aside from some sickness in the beginning and swelling toward the end I absolutely loved being pregnant. Nathan decided he was ready almost 2 weeks early and entered this world on November 15, 2007. To say he was perfect would be an understatement. I had no idea that I could have so much love for someone I had never laid eyes on until that moment. He was such a miracle and a blessing.

On Nathan's second night in the hospital he began having horrible choking spells. The nurses assured us this was normal, but it eventually led to a diagnosis of severe reflux. Nathan spent the first few months of his life screaming, crying, choking, and being continually medicated for it (Reglan, Prilosec, Bentyl). We made several trips to Riley to see his fabulous GI, and by about 4 months the colic was much better but the reflux continued into his second year. Other than this, a couple of ear infections and a bout with RSV, he had no other issues. In fact, he seemed to be far ahead of the "normal" developmental timeline- walking right at 10 months, running at 12 months, incredible fine motor skills, cognition and social skills.

Right before Nathan's first birthday, our family packed up and moved from Greenwood back to West Terre Haute where I grew up. We couldn't find a way for me to be able to stay home with him, so we decided that having him with his grandma would be the next best place for him. My wonderful mom retired from her job of almost 25 years and became a stay-at-home-mamaw.

We thought it was strange at 12 months that Nathan didn't really have any true words. In fact I talked to our pediatrician about it right before we moved. Of course she said not to worry, he would talk when he was ready, and he was just more focused on motor skills. It was the same story from when he was a baby and I reported that he didn't seem to coo or babble much. In fact, the only noises he consistently made were grunts, deep guttural noises and high shrieks. By 18 months when he had only a handful of words (hello, Elmo, hot) but still didn't really call my husband or me by anything I became very concerned. This time- different doctor, same response. I mentioned First Steps but he said Nathan would have a "language burst" by age 2 and I would forget all about my concerns.

So fast forward to October 2009. Nathan is almost two. Those few words he had at 18 months? Gone. The only "words" he says now are "uh-oh" and "wow-wow-wow" (when he sees something he REALLY likes- lol!). I finally decided to call First Steps without his doctor's blessing, and it's been a whirlwind since that point. In fact, I think I'll start another post :)

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